Women Above Water came about after some research I carried out with a group of freelance creatives and the issues they were facing in terms of low income. The research and workshops which came out of the report were financed by former Manchester-based Performing Arts Network and Development Agency legacy funding.
I developed each of the three workshops to address an issue which came out of the discussions: the difficulty women had in putting a value on their work, the embarrassment they often faced when promoting themselves and their work and their lack of training in finance in general. The three free workshops were delivered at HOME in Manchester.
Workshop 1: Women of Value
What happens when we don’t value ourselves properly? In this workshop, we dig down into some of the issues which can affect how we price our work.
Workshop 2: Learning to Boast
Why do we often forget to tell people what we do? Here we explore the challenges women can face when putting themselves out there.
Workshop 3: Let’s Talk Money
In a world which doesn’t talk about money, it is very difficult to know what to charge – and what to change. This workshop brings it all out in the open! please send a message on the form below!
If you would like to book me to run similar workshops or would like to register on one, please send a message on the form below!